Tuesday, 11 September 2012


Sorry  I have not been around for a while. My Dad had a mini stroke in May & is thankfully recovering well. He became very confused while out walking along the river with me & our dog. He could not speak properly & his words became all mixed up. We manged to get home where he became more confused & emotional. Remembering the stroke advert off the telly act FAST Face Arms Speech & Time, we quickly had a paramedic come within minutes followed by an ambulance. He was very poorly weak down one side but bless him he recovered well. We were so lucky. He had brilliant care in the stroke unit & although by far the oldest patient he was also the least affected by his stroke. He is still tired but his speach has come back & he is back out walking & kicking every ball on the radio listening to his favourite footy team.

I have missed catching up with some very dear friends. Please forgive me if you are reading this. I have only just manged to get back to my painting recently. They say artists sometime produce their best work when they are troubled. I am not sure if thats true. I produced a painting for our annual art exhibition which is on this weekend at a new venue. I hope if my parents are well enough, to take them there & perhaps meet up with a few friends I have not seen for a while. The paintings called Little Star & is of a very young snow leapord cub, surviving a really difficult time. Sometimes its all too easy to take some things for granted. Sometimes you just have to live for the moment, do things while you can as you never know whats round the corner.

Loved the courage & inspiration of all the atheletes in the Olympics.
Take care
Debbie x